The Tutorial Action Plan (TAP)
The Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) is a foundational document designed to organize, guide, and enhance the institutionalization and systematization of student support activities. It addresses students’ needs while adhering to the criteria and guidelines established by the European Higher Education Area. Additionally, the TAP serves as a record for the Quality Assurance Systems implemented across the University of Vigo’s centers.
Fichas e formularios a cumplimentar polo alumnado
Inicial needs Detection Form
Your Expectations about the TAP
Tutorial Follow-up Form
Final Student Satisfaction Questionnaire
Class of 2019-2023: GADE / GECO / PCEO Ade-Dereito (2019/2024)
Class of 2020-2024: GADE / GECO / PCEO Ade-Dereito (2020/ 2025)
Class of 2021-2025: GADE / GECO / PCEO Ade-Dereito (2021 /2026)
Class of 2022-2026: GADE / GECO / PCEO Ade-Dereito (2022/2027)
As of the 2023/24 academic year, the responsibility for student tutoring has been transferred to the Dean’s Office:
Deputy Dean of Quality: Mª Xosé Vázquez Rodríguez:, 986 813533.
Dean: M. Dolores Garza Gil:; 986 812515