This seminar was born initially as lecture for 3rd year students of the subject International Strategic Management of the Faculty of Economics and Business Management Science in Vigo, which is taught in English. Because several colleagues have asked me for sharing this, I would like to extend the call to everyone who can be interested in this hot topic of artificial intelligences (the most well known perhaps is chatGPT, but not the only one). The session may last between 1 hour and 1 hour and a half with a final section for discussion/suggestions/doubts. Because this is a regular session for those students, I will continue the lecture working with them upon finishing until 14.00 hrs.
Please, feel free to share the link to the session and password below.
For professors, I encourage you to share it with your students in Moovi and ask you to, please, ease them to attend. In case you prefer to use the time for your lectures, you will be able to share the recorded session later (I will submit to this email list), so you can use the time of the class for you, and will let them have the opportunity to be aware of how to use these tools. You can also have them in the class room and attend the session jointly by following the online streaming. Upon finishing it, you can then work with them so they ask questions to any AI that can be useful for your subject/project, and criticize in a group reflection what is right/wrong and why.
Because the initial targeted students were those of that English taught subject, the session will be lectured in English.
I hope it be fruitful, inspirational, and encourage us to develop our rules /policies for its definite integration in our multiple academic duties with safety.
Seminar: Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education. How to use AIs such as chatgpt wisely
What: The idea is to revise what these hot AIs are (e.g. chatgpt, bing…), what they can do and what they cannot do in order to instruct students and professors on how we can use them in Higher Education for teaching-learning and researching purposes. I will review what is behind them and will provide guidance on how to incorporate them safety in our procedures (teaching for undergraduate and Master students, supervising of final Degree/Master dissertations, developing scientific studies for young scholars/PhD students, etc.).
When: Wednesday, March 15th, starting at 11.30 (the presentation can last only 1 hour or 1.5 hours and the rest will be for discussion)
Where: Salon de Actos, Fac. of Economics and Business Management Sciences-Vigo.
Lecturer: prof. Miguel González-Loureiro. I have received training in machine learning for teaching and have the experience of publishing several papers in JCR journals by using certain semi-automated content analysis of thousands of scientific papers.
Online streaming: with user password: 06Mgl2020@# (be sure to include the latest “#”)
The session can be recorded and available online later