Logotipo Universidade de Vigo

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Decanal Team

Mª Dolores Garza Gil

Mª Dolores Garza Gil

+34 986 812 515
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Ana de Prado Vázquez

Ana de Prado Vázquez

+34 986 812 402
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María Xosé Vázquez Rodríguez

María Xosé Vázquez Rodríguez
Vice Dean of Quality

+34 986 813 533
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Carmen Otero Neira

Carmen Otero Neira
Vice Dean of International Relations

+34 986 813 545
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Lucy Amigo Dobaño

Lucy Amigo Dobaño
Vice Dean of Institutional Relations

+34 986 813 517
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Raisa Pérez Vas

Raisa Pérez Vas
Vice Dean of Academic Organization

+34 986 812 462
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Dean Office

Ana de Prado Vázquez
General Affairs Office

Campus As Lagoas, Marcosende
36310 Vigo

 +34 988 812 402
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