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The new configuration of the university degrees, shorter in time and with a more flexible academic structure than the previous five-year degrees, facilitate what not so long ago was almost unthinkable: that a student can combine two degrees and achieve both certifications in just five or six years, fulfilling a deep knowledge both in Business Administration and Management (BAM) and in Law.

One of the academic and professional fields where there are more connections and where a joint program can be more useful is on the triangle formed by the legal, business and economic fields. Indeed, in Spain, the joint degree in BAM and Law is one of the more demanded programmes.

Thus, taking into account the great demand and taking advantage and learning from other universities, and aiming for offering educational alternatives to improve the available offer, since the year 2014/2015 it is possible to study simultaneously the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (BAM) and the Bachelor’s Degree in Law and getting both certifications within 5 years.


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