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In the Faculty

The FCCEE makes available the following support and orientation mechanism for students enrolled in our centre:

Welcome Day

The informative actions about the university environment, the services offered by the university and the centre and the specific characteristics of the Bachelor’s Degrees aimed to the 1st year students will take place within the Welcome Day on the 9th of September, 2019.

More information on the Welcome Day


Mentoring Action Programme

The Mentoring Action Programme of the FCCEE has been designed as a tool to design the content and execution of the different actions concerning the university mentoring for the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the centre. It specially focuses on the new students, in order to facilitate their integration in the university life and to meet their formative and informative needs, and on the students that are finishing their degrees.

More information on the Mentoring Action Programme


In the University of Vigo

The University of Vigo offers the following support and orientation systems for enrolled students: