Logotipo Universidade de Vigo

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The Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences provides a comprehensive range of resources to support both teaching and research activities. Faculty members benefit from well-equipped personal offices, shared meeting spaces, and dedicated rooms for visiting and guest professors. The numerous classrooms are fully equipped with modern teaching tools, including whiteboards, projectors, screens, webcams, speakers, and free Wi-Fi.  In addition to these teaching facilities, the Faculty offers specialized spaces such as computer labs, seminar rooms, an Assembly Hall, a Graduation Hall, and a dedicated area for the student delegation.  The campus also includes reprographic services, a café, a dining hall, and a large, well-stocked library. Students have access to a project workspace, available at all times for group or individual work.

Moreover, all FCCEE facilities comply fully with current accessibility regulations, ensuring an inclusive environment for all users.


Material resources

34 Lecture Rooms (7 big and 11 medium size)
Capacity: 100-200 seats, 50-99 seats
Analog and digital projection equipment for multimedia presentations. Benches with seats and tables.

6 Classrooms
Capacity: 21-45 seats
Analog and digital projection equipment for multimedia presentations. Benches with seats and tables.

10 IT Laboratories
Capacity: 25-50 seats
Analog and digital projection equipment for multimedia presentations. Benches with seats and tables.

Salón de graos
Capacity: 75 seats
Analog and digital projection equipment for multimedia presentations. Seats.

Salón de actos
Capacity: 500 seats
Analog and digital projection equipment for multimedia presentations. Seats.


General services

Wi-Fi connection
The faculty premises count on a wireless connection to the University network and Internet. All the University community members have access to this service via the password linked to their personal or university email.

Laptop Loan Service
Teaching staff, students and administrative and service staff can borrow laptops (temporaly unavailable).

Online teaching resources
As a support to the on-site teaching activity, the University of Vigo makes available the IT platform MOOVI for the teaching staff, with online resources developed for tele-training. In addition, there is CAMPUS REMOTO and Microsoft Office 365.

Photocopy service
The centre has 3 self-service photocopiers.

Cafeteria service
There is a cafeteria and cantineen service in the centre, provided by an external company.